
Endgame in Syria

Submitted by George Callaghan…
Perhaps Syria’s nine years of agony is finally drawing to a close. After almost a decade of bloodshed hundreds of thousands have been slain. Hundreds of thousands more are maimed for life. At least 10% of the population has fled the country. Many of these will not choose to return. Those who have emigrated are often the youngest and the most educated. The brain drain has been particularly acute.

Clashes in northeastern Syria put Turkish-Russian Memorandum at risk

Submitted by InfoBrics, authored by Sarah Abed, independent journalist and analyst… 
On Tuesday, exactly two weeks after Ankara launched its cross border military operation “Operation Peace Spring”, in northern Syria east of the Euphrates River, Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart President Recep Tayyip Erdogan met in Sochi for what proved to be a lengthy diplomatic discussion that resulted in an agreement that sets the stage for de-escalating tensions in that region.

Why Is the Deep State So Angry about Syria?

Submitted by Steve Brown… 
Israel has been at war with Syria since 1948. Period. Full stop. It has been at war over the Golan, West Bank, southern Lebanon, and Shebaa Farms, where no peace agreement or armistice has ever been signed or accomplished between Israel and Syria.  During this time, the hegemonic power behind Syria’s war has primarily been about land, water, and resources, while Syria possesses tremendous untapped oil and mineral wealth.