artificial sweetener

Is Drinking Diet Soda Really Bad for Your Health?

Is diet soda bad for you? Diet soda has no sugar, calories, fat, or carbohydrates, and it feels all cold and bubbly going down your throat. What’s not to like on the surface? Unfortunately, the advertising on the can doesn’t tell the whole story, and those bubbles come at a very high price. That price can include Type 2 diabetes, seizures, loss of kidney function, various cancers, and most ironically of all, obesity.

Pepsi Removes Artificial Sweetener Aspartame From Diet Pepsi

Following the wave of corporations responding to consumer activism like never before, Pepsi has announced that it will be removing the artificial sweetener aspartame from its Diet Pepsi product.
Aspartame, of course, is the artificial sweetener that has been linked to a number of conditions in a wide variety of studies — some of which mega food scientists argue are ‘unscientific.’