
"Terrorist Plot" In Canada? I Don't Think So!

With the news still inundated with constant updates about the two men that were set up to be the fall guys for the Boston Marathon bombing operation, came news just yesterday of a new "terrorist plot", this time in Canada.   When I first heard the reports about this "terrorist plot" last night on the Jewish controlled Canadian news outlets, I immediately called "bullshit" on the whole thing...

Graham: Terror Suspects Deserve 2nd Amendment Rights, But Not 5th

Lindsey Graham’s predictable argument post-Marathon bombing that the suspects should be treated as enemy combatants and tried in military commissions was the sort of role we have come to expect him to play. He is perhaps the foremost jingo in the US Senate and is radically disinclined to even acknowledge constitutional restraints on government.

Exposing The "Nazi" Epithet - Who Started It, Why, How, And Who Benefits!

Saturday, April 20th, was the 124th birthday of Adolf Hitler... It is so amazing that even to this day this man is so vilified and labeled as the "Greatest Evil" of history.  Knowing now that our so called "History books" are nothing more than packs of lies and pure propaganda, everyone needs to take the time to do a re-examination of Adolf Hitler and his place in true history...

Banker Occupied Governments Reduced To Desperate Measures.

Robert Mundell is the father of the euro. When he taught at the University of Chicago, he told his students that the euro was never intended to actually work. Its purpose was to fail, impoverish the people of Europe and force them to accept a dictatorship from the unelected European Commission. This is according to Greg Palast of the BBC who attended the University of Chicago.

The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Dangerous Levels Of Radio-Nucleotides Appearing In Drinking Water - US Government Solution: Raise The Permissable Level Of Nuclear Radiation In Drinking Water!

With all of the news the last few days around the world focused in on the Boston Marathon false flag attack, it is important to realize again that there is some very important news happening elsewhere in the world.One news story that has been ongoing now for over 2 years is the nuclear disaster at Fukushima Japan.   It is surprising that there have been few reports anywhere in the Jewish controlled media about this horrific situation that has no solution in sight, and it does fall on us in the alternative media to bring any new reports to light...I came across a most disturbing news report

Boston Marathon False Flag Attack: Brought To You By Cops Posing As Terrorists - The Big Sleep!

I have received some very disturbing comments over the last few days that shows again how much the propaganda of the media and government, as well as the dumbing down chemicals, have indeed worked so well on the American public.   Most of those comments contained some very colorful metaphors and have called me the usual whack job, nutter, and even c***sucker....

Boston Marathon False Flag Attack: Planting The Seed Of Propaganda - Media Readily Suggests Patriots Are Responsible For Boston Marathon Bombing!

I am truly surprised that most people cannot see this latest bombing in Boston Massachusetts for what it really is... A definite false flag attack to strike FEAR into the American public.... What needs to be understood is the psychology of Fear itself, and how people who are stricken by fear will want to quickly find a remedy or a solution to dispel that fear... In most cases when a general populace is stricken by fear, they turn to their own government for solutions...