
Midnight Meme Of The Day

-by NoahEx-Sheriff Joe Arpaio was voted out of office and convicted for his crimes, including crimes against the Constitution of the United States. That means nothing to our lawless, fascist "president" who feels the laws of the land don't apply to him or people who agree with him and his multi-leveled bigoted agenda. With this pardon, Señor Trumpanzee is pushing for division over unity.

Trump In Phoenix: A Baby Escapes His Crib

-by NoahThose of us who have seen a 2 or 3 year old throw a screaming, irrational tantrum born of an undeveloped capacity to comprehend the dynamics of civilized society, the unhinged frustrations of not always getting their way, or, not always being praised for their actions, saw the same kind of thing in Senor Trumpanzee’s Phoenix speech.It’s not like we haven’t seen this before.