Ari Melber

Who Will Save The Grotesquely Corrupt Democratic Party Establishment From Bernie's Zeal For Reform And Fair Play?

Votes have finally still dribbling in from the New Hampshire primary when I was finishing up on this post. 100% of the votes have now been counted and all the candidates-- except Status Quo Joe, who was in South Carolina-- were already off to Nevada. The New Hampshire numbers were catastrophic for Biden but didn't cause him to drop out the way they did for Andrew Yang, Michael Bennet and Deval Patrick.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahMoscow's Mayor Rudy Giuliani is one of those knuckle-dragging goons that craves being the center of attention. He can't live without it. So much so he's practically demanding now to be a witness at the impeachment trial of his even more bonkers buddy. Rudy just has to get out there and be in front of the cameras. I mean, can you imagine what he must be like at home, away from public view?

Still Wondering: How Is It That 40% Of Americans Support Trump? And A Corollary: Why Is Biden Still Ahead In The Primary?

When I was beginning my teenage years, I had a girlfriend whose family lived on Avenue Z in Brooklyn, not far from the Trump family housing project, Beach Haven, that Woody Guthrie lived in and wrote a song about. I used to visit her a lot and often saw the Trumps (though, alas, never Woody). They had bad vibes but everyone knew who they were.

Pride In The Military Isn't Something You Read About Frequently Here

My grandfather came from Russia to America when he was 14. Most of his family were denied entry and wound up in Brazil. Far more of my grandfather's relatives are in Recife, Natal and Salvador than in the U.S. They are doctors, lawyers, businessmen, teachers, an artist and so on. They speak Portuguese and when I've met them I had to communicate with Spanish. That didn't lend itself to developing anything real.When I watched the testimony of Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman at the impeachment hearing yesterday, I couldn't help but feel some kind of bond.

Maybe Pelosi Needs A New Chair For House Ways And Means-- Neal Is Dragging His Feet On Trump's Taxes

Mnuchin and Richard Neal, who REALLY doesn't want to get the Adam Schiff treatment from TrumpworldWhen the Biden p.r. machine stirs up shit against Bernie-- which they never stop doing (it's like a pit of vipers whispering in the ears of any journalist foolish enough pay them any attention)-- one of the first things they always bring up is that he hasn't released his taxes. Really?

President AOC? Not Yet

The graphic above shows the 45 members of the House who signed on to a vague statement of support for the Green New Deal. But now that AOC is actually getting ready to introduce a formal bill-- although some of the details are still sketchy and up for negotiation-- there are far fewer members... at least so far. The first members of Congress to sign on as co-sponsors:

Republicans Have A Sense Of Foreboding About 2020-- And They Should

Trump still has a motley collection of apologists-- the Fox News crew, hate talk radio hosts, self-serving politicians, neo-Nazi crackpots and their partners in the white evangelical movement-- but there is no longer anyone with an ounce of intellectual integrity defending Trump or unwilling to admit that he is, far and away, the worst "president" in American history-- off the scale (or on an entirely different scale)