Terminal Decline? Fukushima and the Deepening Crisis of Nuclear Energy
By Jim Green | Nuclear Monitor | March 10, 2017 Saturday March 11 marks the sixth anniversary of the triple-disaster in north-east Japan – the earthquake, tsunami and the Fukushima nuclear disaster. And the news is not good. Scientists are wondering how on earth to stabilise and decontaminate the failed reactors awash with molten nuclear […]
In Africa, Repeating Our Past Mistakes
The desert town of Agadez in Niger is currently best known as a stop on the people-smuggling route between West Africa and Europe, but it is about to take its place in the geopolitical stage as the American military has announced it will build a drone base on its outskirts. Reportedly costing U.S.
Gérald Bronner, Rudy Reichstadt et Pierre-André Taguieff: les experts du chantage à la « théorie du complot »
Les « spécialistes » interrogés par France 2: « une analyse pas si neutre de l’actualité »…
Régulièrement sollicités par les médias de masse et les organes institutionnels qu’ils ménagent assez complaisamment dans leurs analyses, Gérald Bronner, Rudy Reichstatd et Pierre-André Taguieff ont pris la fâcheuse manie d’assimiler toute critique sociale et politique d’envergure à une ténébreuse « théorie du complot ».
New nuclear: Finland’s cautionary tale for the UK
By Sophie Yeo | Carbon Brief | October 20, 2015 Finland has a 15-year-old problem called Olkiluoto 3. This nuclear plant was once the bright star of Finland’s energy future and Europe’s nuclear renaissance. It was seen as a key component in Finland’s plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050 and end reliance […]
Britain scraps Sellafield nuclear deal
Press TV – January 13, 2015 Britain said on Tuesday that it had scrapped a deal worth $30.2 billion with an international consortium to clean up the Sellafield nuclear facility in Cumbria in the northwest of the country. The contractors of the project were Amec of Britain, Areva of France and URS, an American company. […]