arctic ice melt

20,000 Toxic Sites in Sagging Arctic Permafrost

“Massive Permafrost Thaw Documented in Canada, Portends Huge Carbon Release”, Bob Berwyn, February 28, 2017 (Credit: Wikimedia) New studies show the Arctic heating up 4-times the overall rate of global warming. This startling rate in one of the most sensitive environments in the world could trigger toxic disasters in up to 20,000 industrial contamination sites. […]

Refreeze the Arctic

Refreezing the Arctic sounds like a crazed impossible idea, but a knowledgeable group of scientists believe it has the potential to be the best most efficient quickest way to reduce manifold risks of a climate system that’s already in shaky condition. For eons the world’s biggest reflector of incoming solar radiation has been the Arctic’s […]
The post Refreeze the Arctic first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Can the Climate be Restored?

A fresh approach to fixing climate change/global warming is outlined in a new book: Climate Restoration, which focuses on how the climate can be restored. Indeed, the book is full of fascinating details, meriting a closer look and critique (Peter Fiekowsky and Carole Douglis, Climate Restoration, Rivertowns Books, 2022). But first: The words climate change […]
The post Can the Climate be Restored? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Buckle Up! The Arctic’s Sizzling

The Arctic is turning into a dream come true for doomsayers. It’s heating way too fast! Nostradamus is dancing in the street. Record-smashing Arctic temperatures may brighten the outlook for those who thrive, actually enjoy, disaster scenarios, but the great majority of people only get off on disasters in a movie theater, not in the […]
The post Buckle Up! The Arctic’s Sizzling first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The Oceans Are Overheating

A polar bear and her cub on sea ice in the Arctic north of Svalbard (Image © Larissa Beumer / Greenpeace) The world’s oceans in 2021 witnessed the hottest temperatures in recorded history. 1 According to the Ocean Conservancy: “From the beginning of industrialization until today, the ocean has absorbed more than 90 percent of the […]
The post The Oceans Are Overheating first appeared on Dissident Voice.

When to Build Sea Walls

During the month of December 2021 two warnings of impending sea level rise were issued by highly respected groups of climate scientists. These are professional scientists who do not deal in hyperbole. Rather, they are archetypical conservative serious-minded scientists who follow the facts. The most recent warning on December 30th is of deteriorating conditions at […]
The post When to Build Sea Walls first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Here’s to our Health: Well, To the Health of the Profiteers!

“You know what I think?” she says. “That people’s memories are maybe the fuel they burn to stay alive. Whether those memories have any actual importance or not, it doesn’t matter as far as the maintenance of life is concerned. They’re all just fuel. Advertising fillers in the newspaper, philosophy books, dirty pictures in a […]
The post Here’s to our Health: Well, To the Health of the Profiteers! first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The Existential Threat of Global Heating

Once again, the hopes of billions have been raised, only to be dashed, this time by the cruel joke of COP26, the reality being that “By 2030, governments are planning to extract 110% more fossil fuels than their Paris Agreement pledge to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels would permit”. Misrepresentations abound: The United Nations upper […]

The Arctic’s greening won’t save us

A new research led by scientists at UC Irvine and Boston University, published in Nature Climate Change (Jonathan A. Wang, Alessandro Baccini, Mary Farina, James T. Randerson, Mark A. Friedl, Disturbance suppresses the aboveground carbon sink in North American boreal forests, Nature Climate Change, 2021; DOI: 10.1038/s41558-021-01027-4 ) suggests that all the new green biomass is not as large a[Read More...]