Persian Gulf: U.S. Leads Multinational War Games With NATO Partners
U.S. Department of Defense
April 26, 2013
Eagle Resolve Promotes Gulf Region Cooperation, Interoperability
By Donna Miles
U.S. Department of Defense
April 26, 2013
Eagle Resolve Promotes Gulf Region Cooperation, Interoperability
By Donna Miles
I notice there are more then a couple articles questioning why Israel dropped the chemical weapon meme bomb? What is up with this second guessing? Admitting to being a bit stumped and having to think this over... So, anyone with some relevant thoughts, leave them..
Brig. Gen. Itai Brun, head of the IDF Military Intelligence research and analysis division.
Victor Davis Hanson’s latest piece at The National Review can only be described as delusional.
I want to welcome my friend and ally, Whitewraithe back from the hiatus she took over the last few months...
Saturday, April 20th, was the 124th birthday of Adolf Hitler... It is so amazing that even to this day this man is so vilified and labeled as the "Greatest Evil" of history. Knowing now that our so called "History books" are nothing more than packs of lies and pure propaganda, everyone needs to take the time to do a re-examination of Adolf Hitler and his place in true history...
First, a brief digression. Another individual who plays a role similar to that of Cristiano Tinazzi & Marie Colvin is Wisam Tariff, who reappeared in this post US leads world in “humanitarian” assistance to Syria after first portraying himself as a 'humanitarian activist', 18 months ago. Though he was and is still obviously involved in moving guns and mercs from Libya into Syria via Turkey. As is Cristiano. As was Marie Colvin.
News has it that Brahimi is going to resign.Western corporate lying media is attempting to have you believe it is because of Syria and Assad.Don't you believe it.....What is the real reason behind the reason for Brahimi's exit?The United Nations Security Council is to hold a session on Syria on April 18th in which international envoy Lakhadr Brahimi will present a report on his mission.
Boris Abramovich Berezovsky died recently under mysterious circumstances. He had converted to Orthodox Christianity from Judaism. Forbes said he made 3 billion dollars by controlling state assets under his friend Boris Yeltsin’s presidency. Yeltsin was of Jewish descent. Yeltsin allowed 9 oligarchs and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Harvard Endowment fund and others to loot the former Soviet citizens of 240 billion dollars. By the way, 8 of those 9 oligarchs happened to be Jewish.
The Mockery-MongersBy Michael HoffmanCopyright ©2013www.revisionisthistory.orgAssemblyman Dov Hikind (D-New York), in Afro wig and blackface at a Purim gathering, Feb. 24, 2013. His wife dressed as the devil to celebrate the religious festival.As part of the Judaic holy day of Purim, New York legislator Dov Hikind shucked and jived in minstrel blackface.