Arab Nationalism

Religion as a tool of colonialist power in WWI

As leaders from all around the world gathered to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of a war meant to end all wars, the aftermath of the bloody conflict nevertheless continue to resonate in many parts of the globe today.
Author and researcher Hanief Haider traces some of the trends and maneuvers from the pre-World War I era, such as Great Britain’s use of religious fervor to influence affairs in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), which persist today.

ALI ABDULLAH SALEH’s Interview on the Arab Spring, the Muslim Brotherhood & the Conspiracy Against Pan-Arabism…

I noted a few days ago the similarities between the late Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh and the late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. We noted that the unsettling footage circulating on the Internet and some news channels of his death were eerily reminiscent of the brutal murder of Gaddafi in October 2011. And we also […]

Trump Just Made Non-Arab Iran the Champion of Arab Nationalism

Opinion — Some sections of the crazy quilt that makes up the Trump administration want to push Iran back out of the Arab world and weaken it, in support of Israel and Saudi Arabia. Those actors have just been handed a big setback by Trump’s slurred and crazed announcement that he will move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and recognize it as the capital.

Arabism for the 21st century: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s most important speech

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Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah offers incredibly balanced view on Kurdish referendum

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CIA Operative Admits Deep State Globalist Control – The Game of Nations

Jay Dyer
21st Century Wire

In the famous treatise by Miles Copeland, Game of Nations, the devious middle eastern CIA operative spills the beans in this infamous 1969 work on covert operations and regime changes. Not only does Copeland detail the various US puppets and stooges, but also how game theory played into the predictive computer models available even in the late 60s.  

Two Million Syrian Christian Population Being Exterminated by ISIL

Since the terrorists have swept the secularists aside, Christian Syrians–long protected by Assad—are now being “disappeared” by the millions.  By the millions!  Of the 1.8 million Christians that lived peacefully under Assad before the Arab Spring, only 400,000 Christians still live in intact communities in Syria today. The rest are either dead or fled–we know not where.

It’s time the West joins Russia in protecting Christians in the Middle East
 by William Weding