Arab League

Arab Leagues makes 'concessions' on Palestinian land to Israel's benefit

Looks to me as if the traitorous nations doing the deals are largely the US/Israel subordinates in the GCC.Israel is the big winner and the Palestinians are getting railroaded.. :To rush or push (something) through quickly in order to prevent careful consideration and possible criticism or obstruction

UN-Arab Envoy Brahimi to resign? Syrian Arab Army makes big gain & the media censors

News has it that Brahimi is going to resign.Western corporate lying media is attempting to have you believe it is because of Syria and Assad.Don't you believe it.....What is the real reason behind the reason for Brahimi's exit?The United Nations Security Council is to hold a session on Syria on April 18th in which international envoy Lakhadr Brahimi will present a report on his mission.

Syria Under Attack by the Mind Managers: The Dark Satanic Mills of Propaganda

Covering Syria: The Information War
By Aisling Byrne
Originally published in the Asia Times
July 12, 2012
Images and captions added by Color Revolutions and Geopolitics

The narrative that has been constructed by the Western mainstream media on Syria may seem to be self-evident from the scenes presented on television, but it is a narrative duplicitously promoted and

Webster Tarpley Reports From Syria and Lebanon: Discovers Another Media "Big Lie" to Justify R2P Intervention (in 9 parts)

Editors' Introduction: The significance of Webster Tarpley's reports from Syria and Lebanon cannot be overemphasized.  Finally there is a credible journalistic voice reporting from inside the region, one that rips apart the current media narrative about Syria as a complete "tissue of lies."