
Can You Grow Your Own Food?

Many doom-mongers are predicting a global food shortage with mass starvation. We’ve heard this before, of course, but a combination of the covid lockdowns from which the world has yet to fully recover, freak weather conditions, avian flu, the war in Ukraine, and, not least, the insane antics of the climate lobby including the war […]

New Automation Technologies are Revolutionizing Farming

The same technological advances that brought us the Internet are about to change farming forever, though some say it’s a bittersweet way to make sure the world gets its organic produce on schedule.
The technologies used for the old-paradigm mono-crop are getting more high-tech than ever, but will this affect the slow-food movement, and the desire of consumers to access high quality, non-GM, organic food from their farmer down the lane?

Are Aquaponics and Hydroponics Better than Organic?

One of the most recent decisions made by US Department of Agriculture has been branded as controversial and led to numerous disputes and arguments. The USDA decided to give an organic label to produce that is grown in controlled, water-based environments. The decision to label aquaponics and hydroponics as organic has angered a lot of people.