
Parler CEO Speaks Out After Amazon Boots From AWS, Vows To Rebuild ‘From Scratch’

“This Was A Coordinated Attack” By Tyler Durden – Zero Hedge – January 9, 2021 Update (2210 ET): Parler CEO John Matze has issued a statement (emphasis ours): Sunday (tomorrow) at midnight Amazon will be shutting off all of our servers in an attempt to completely remove free speech off the internet. There is the […]

Big Tech giants want to prove they are ‘American gods’. Anyone watching the watchers?

By Frank Furedi | RT | January 9, 2021 Big Tech has just taken a gigantic step toward its objective of gaining total control over what can and what cannot be said on the internet. Apple and Google have commanded Parler, a social network used by conservatives, to police its users. In effect, what their […]

The leading CEOs of Big Tech sure had their deception down pat in Congress [Video]

Breitbart News’ Lucas Nolan took no prisoners in his assessment of the House Judiciary Committee hearing of the most powerful Tech CEO’s in the United States. These leaders, representing Apple, Google (Youtube), Amazon and Facebook (WhatsApp), were well prepared to lie to a committee that itself had divided goals.

No-Go Zone: Big Tech CEO's Lie Before Congress

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik cover the "antitrust hearing". CEO's from Google, Amazon, Apple and Facebook - some of the most powerful companies in the world - faces question from congress and lawmakers. The perjury is OUT OF CONTROL. We break down the lies. We also talk about the Covid-19 vaccine, Sweden's successful Coronavirus strategy & the fake death and infection numbers.

Rogan’s Spotify Deal, Coronavirus Confusion & Censorship With Semiogogue - FF Ep77

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here.
Henrik is joined by Semiogogue to cover the latest news. We begin on Joe Rogan's $100 million Spotify deal, that he says he's taking because of .... "censorship." Yep! We go over some of the recent Coronavirus confusion and censorship. The lockdown is being eased off in some regions finally, but it won't be “going back to normal” in any capacity.
Guest's links:

China knows its global economic dominance just ended [VIDEO]

Here on The Duran, we are blessed to be able to run news and opinion pieces with widely divergent points of view. For example, this piece submitted by InfoBrics, written by Lucas Leiroz from Rio de Janiero, proposes that the possibility that COVID-19 got its start in the US, and was planted in China as a weapon to assure a US victory in the trade war being waged with China.

Biometric Fight: Facebook Defeated on Facial Recognition, But Google, Amazon Still Pushing Ahead

Whether you like it to or not, facial recognition is set to play an ever-growing role in people’s everyday lives. Nonetheless, the fight is now on: push-back has now begun against Silicon Valley’s global digital monopolies who seek to harvest the facial imaging data of every single user on the planet. But with seemingly endless resources and lobbying muscle, do not expect digital barons to give up on implementing a biometeric control grid.

Huawei controversy in light of Apple’s own fight with US spy agencies

In a recent piece about the politicization of news concerning the Chinese telecom giant Huawei, some of our readers on made interesting comments that actually help one to connect the dots and see more clearly just how invasive the US government thinks it can be in terms of one’s personal privacy.
The comments in question (slightly redacted for conciseness here), said the following: