Apartheid Israel

Outrage Over Israel’s Killing of Nurse in Gaza as Death Toll Surpasses 120

On the same day the U.S. vetoed a resolution at the U.N Security Council demanding an end to Israel’s practice of firing on unarmed demonstrators in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and the Gaza strip, outrage was again heightened after a nurse attempting to attend to injured protesters was shot and killed by IDF snipers near the Gaza border.

Rosario Dawson, Angela Davis, Cornel West Among 27 US Figures Calling for Release of Ahed Tamimi

More than two-dozen high-profile art and film figures, as well as athletes and academics, from the U.S. have signed a petition calling for the release of Palestinian iconic teen Ahed Tamimi who faces 12 charges and is being tried in an Israeli military court behind closed doors.
Netflix Marvel series star Rosario Dawson, Grey’s Anatomy star Jesse Williams, famed progressive actor Danny Glover, activist and author Angela Davis and philosopher Cornel West were among the 27 figures who signed the petition.

The Blood of Palestine is on the Hands of the Bribe-Takers


The blood of the thousands of Palestinians who have been killed by the so-called Israel Defence Forces since the beginning of the siege of Gaza, stains the hands of each and every politician who has done nothing to censure Israel for this cruel and illegal act of virtual imprisonment, or who has taken any kind of bribe to bolster his or her election-campaign coffers, in return for turning their backs on the quite obvious fact that Apartheid Israel has never had any intention other than to genocide the Palestinian people.



BDS won’t work, Zio leaders tell Methodists…

 BDS won’t work, Zio leaders tell Methodists…          

by Stuart Littlewood
Of course, it wasn’t going to be long before the Board of Deputies of British Jews (BoD) stuck their oar into the Methodists’ big debate on BDS (Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions) against Israel http://www.methodist.org.uk/bdsbriefing, which included a public consultation questionnaire.