Most Effective Agents of Oligarchs
Given how a new breed of corporate elites are dictating our lives, I think it is appropriate to gauge which forces act as the most effective agents of these overlords, and what relief we might find, and when.
Given how a new breed of corporate elites are dictating our lives, I think it is appropriate to gauge which forces act as the most effective agents of these overlords, and what relief we might find, and when.
Maybe it comes down to this: Who's the bigger dope, the clown who makes the colossal legal booboo (left) or the one who says, "That goes for me too" (right)?by KenI'm grateful to Daily Kos's Pollwatcher for calling my attention to the story, but I have to take exception with the headline "Uh-Oh, Scalia Screws Up Royally.
Is Justice Nino's great legal mind preparingto further roll back campaign spending limits?"It is what it is."-- Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, pressed aboutthe Court's previous mangling of campaign finance lawby KenIs it any wonder that some people herald Justice Nino's as one of the great legal minds of our time? (They must be very stupid people, you say? But of course!)So meanwhile, while we're all wrapped up in the Shutdown Follies, back at the Supreme Court . . . .
Justice Ginsburg, who, like Bernie Sanders and Chuck Schumer, went to my high school, James Madison in Brooklyn, knows what she's talking about when she says the decision by the 5 right-wing Republican activists on the Supreme Court, each of whom is also a corporate whore, produced an anti-democratic ruling stinking of "hubris." She pointed out how illogical their nakedly partisan arguments were: