
Govt: 80,000 Could Die in Coming Antibiotic-Resistant Outbreak

As antibiotic-resistant bacteria continue to sweep the nation, tens of thousands (at least) are expected to suffer from ailments that just can’t be beaten by conventional medicine. In fact, a recent government document states that approximately 80,000 individuals could die if there were a “widespread outbreak” of a blood infection that is resistant to antibiotics.

Report: New Drug-Resistant Bacteria Brought into the US

A new report says that a drug resistant strain of shigella has been brought into the United States by travelers over the last few months.
There are multiple types of shigella bacteria. Shigella sonnei is the most common type, and a new strain has surfaced that is becoming increasingly resistant to all types of antibiotics generally used to counteract shigella infection.

Why The Superbug-Killing Medieval Home Remedy Works

As billions are spent on highly powerful antibiotics that are ‘bigger and better’ than their predecessors, a medieval home remedy has been making headlines. As researchers from the US and Britain just found out, there’s something about this concoction that kills superbugs completely – without the use of pharmaceutical antibiotics, injections, or blood transfusions.

New Study: Monsanto’s Herbicides are Breeding Super Bugs

Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it had classified glyphosate, the United States’ most widely used herbicide chemical, as “probably carcinogenic to humans.” As if we need another reason to ban Roundup (which contains glyphosate), there is now evidence that the chemicals in Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide also cause antibiotic resistance in harmfu

Studies Reveal Honey ‘The Answer’ to Resistant Superbugs

Antibiotic drug use has spawned a host of devastating side effects, including the rise of unstoppable ‘superbugs’ and even an increased incidence of cancer. The answer of the medical establishment has been to create harsher antibiotics, which in turn have led to the creation of even more superbugs. Clearly it’s time for a different way to deal with troublesome microbes, and research is showing that honey fits the bill.

12 Reasons to Drink Kefir – A Top Probiotic-Rich Drink

Just about every culture in the world endorses a fermented food or drink for its health benefits, and has done so for centuries. Kefir is often at the top of the list.
It’s a creamy drinkable yogurt-style fermented milk that in its unsweetened and unflavored state resembles buttermilk in taste and consistency. Kefir is made by fermenting milk with kefir grains composed of bacteria that produce lactic acid, and yeast and polysaccharides.