
6 Ways the Medical System Makes Us Ill Before Kindergarten

Mothers of small children ask me about natural health all the time. It happens in the line at my favorite natural grocer, or after a yoga class. Sometimes I receive questions through email or through a friend of a friend. It’s a universal desire for parents to give their children the best start possible, but our medical system is not set up to do that at all. In fact, in 6 key ways, it is harming our children and damaging their prospects for future health. Here’s how:

​Scientists Try to Unlock the Secrets of the Human Microbiome

Many scientists and anthropologists (though not all) believe that long before humans came on the evolutionary scene, microbes ruled the earth. When humans finally showed up they had to get with the program, which was symbiosis. The deal was struck that some microbes could use us as walking condominiums in which they could live safe and sound, and in turn they would protect us against other invading microbes and perform a variety of other tasks that scientists are busy discovering.

The Plague Comes Back from the Dead in Colorado

This recent headline is concerning on the face of it, but how serious really is the potential for the spread of the plague? Actually the plague has been around practically forever with cases usually occurring between late Spring and early Fall. The states of Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico are the only three that produce cases due to flea bites. The Colorado teen Taylor Thomas Gaes likely contracted the plague from a flea bite.

Dairy Allergies: Why Do So Many Children Suffer from Them?

Over the past several decades, children have developed dairy allergies at an ever-increasing rate. These persistent allergies have developed into chronic ear infections, sinus infections, eye infections, and the like. What exactly is so different about today’s dairy products compared to those of yesteryear?
The short answer is that dairy farming itself has changed … in a big way.

150 Food Companies, Restaurants, Hospitals, and Drug Companies to Phase out Antibiotics

Three-hundred and fifty federal government cafeterias will enjoy ‘low-antibiotic’ food starting at the beginning of 2016, and during a White House summit on antibiotic use last week, voluntary pledges from 150 food processors, restaurant chains, hospitals, and drug companies vowing to phase out the use of meat from animals treated regularly with antibiotics will change the food landscape for the better.

What Are the Most Effective Natural Antibiotics?

Nature has provided thousands of natural medicines and natural antibiotics over millennia. Most people are unaware, but virtually all pharmaceutical medications originally came from the plants of the Earth. After they were proven effective in treating various ailments, the pharmaceutical industry then created synthetic variants which they could patent. In this way, they retained the exclusive rights to earn revenues from their patents over a specific period of time.

How Monsanto’s Glyphosate is Generating Deadly Antibiotic Resistance

More and more individuals are becoming aware of Monsanto’s evils, especially concerning it’s best-selling herbicide Round Up and its carcinogenic ingredient glyphosate. But we’re just learning about the registration of said chemicals in the form of GM crops as antibiotics. And we’re just learning how these chemicals are fueling the ever-expanding issue of antibiotic resistance.