
Antibiotics Fed to Livestock are Putting Kids’ Lives in Danger

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has issued a technical report warning that doctors’ ability to treat life-threatening infections in children is being compromised by the practice of adding antibiotics and other antimicrobial drugs to the feed of healthy livestock.

“Children can be exposed to multiple-drug resistant bacteria, which are extremely difficult to treat if they cause an infection, through contact with animals given antibiotics and through consuming the meat of those animals,” said the report’s lead author Jerome A. Paulson, MD, FAAP in a statement.

American Prescription Drug use more than Doubles

More Americans take prescription medications than ever before – nearly 60% – and obesity could be to blame.
A new study published in JAMA shows that the number of people taking prescription drugs increased from 51% of the adult population in 1999 to 59% in 2011. Cholesterol and blood pressure drugs are the most-used medications in the U.S. [1]

New Drug Could Beat Superbug ‘C. Diff Infection’ While Unharming Good Gut Bacteria

Antibiotics have always been a double-edged sword. Yes, they kill what would otherwise be a harmful and sometimes deadly bacteria, but they also kill off the good bacteria in the gut, which allows harmful gut bacteria to proliferate. Now, scientists say they’ve found a way to disarm those dangerous gut bacteria without killing the helpful kind in the process, at least when targeting one type of bacteria.

Contaminated Medical Scopes Linked to Superbug Infections at LA-Area Hospital

A drug-resistant “superbug” has infected some patients at Huntington Memorial Hospital in Los Angeles. Health officials have linked the outbreak to the use of duodenoscopes. A duodenoscope is a medical device inserted into a patient’s throat to diagnose and treat gallstones, blockages, and cancers of the digestive tract. [1]