
McDonald’s Makes Positive Food Changes Due to Demand for Healthy Food

McDonald’s has been in the news a lot this month, thanks to big changes the fast-food company is making to several of its menu offerings.
The company began making these changes more than a year ago, when it replaced margarine with real butter in its Egg McMuffins, and added kale and spinach to the iceberg lettuce in its salads. (Those kale salads wound up being higher in calories than McDonald’s famous Big Macs, though.) [1]

Gonorrhea Could One Day be Untreatable, Doctors Say

Gonorrhea has long been a sexually transmitted disease that is treated with a strong dose of antibiotics. However, it may soon become untreatable as it develops resistance to the two antibiotics left that can treat it: azithromycin and ceftriaxon.
CBS News reports that antibiotic resistant strains of this STD have more than quadrupled in the United States.

Myth Busted: Beards are Cleaner than a Baby-Bottom Smooth Face

Some are disheveled, some are shaggy, and some are barely there. Beards are popular right now, much to many women’s dismay, and while beards sometimes catch soup and crumbs, they’re actually not unhygienic.
Adam Roberts, a clean-shaved microbiologist from University College London, decided to comb through guys’ facial hair to find out if they contain…poop. Not soup, but poop.

It’s Here: Bacteria Resistant to ALL Antibiotics Shows Up In U.S.

For the past several months, I’ve been writing about a superbug that is resistant to all antibiotics, including “last resort” drugs. Experts first found it in China, and believed it would take about a decade to cross over into Europe. However, they were wrong; it only took a few months. It also arrived in Canada, and now it’s here, too.

Antibiotic Made from Component of Breast Milk Kills Bacteria at Warp Speed

Scientists announced recently they’ve developed an antibiotic from a fragment of a protein found in human breast milk, and they believe it could be the solution to drug-resistant superbugs. [1]
Antibiotic resistance threatens to send medicine back to the Dark Ages. Imagine a world in which illnesses that used to be easily treated with antibiotics kill scores of people with impunity. Picture developing an infection after surgery and there is virtually no drug to treat it.