
Paul Larudee: “Mythology, Barrel Bombs, and Human Rights Watch”

-by Paul Larudee, Counter Punch
To read Human Rights Watch and the western mainstream media, the Syrian government army is inflicting massive casualties upon the Syrian civilian population, most especially through the use of “barrel bombs”.  Thousands of bombs have been dropped, inflicting thousands of casualties.

But wait a minute.  Doesn’t that imply one casualty per bomb?

Tharappel: “How has Syria’s political system changed over the course of the war?”

Jun 4, 2015
by Jay Tharappel
“Short Answer: In 1973 the Syrian electorate voted in favour of a constitution that institutionalised the dominance of the Baath Party. This constitution remained in effect until it was replaced by a new one, which the Syrian electorate voted for on the 26th of February, 2012.

cognitive dissionance on Democracy Now? Read this.

This post stemmed from a comment made that DN should be covering the tragedy of the Rohingya and the complicity of Suu Kyi, as detailed in Tony Cartalucci’s “Who’s Driving the Rohingya into the Sea?“, excerpts of which I will paste at the bottom of this post.
On Democracy Now, on the subtle side of corporate presstitutery, Eric Draitser ( commented:

I Have Witnessed A Crime Against Humanity! – A Message from Caleb Maupin in the Port of Djibouti
From the Port of Djibouti in North Africa, it is with great sadness and burning outrage that I announce that the voyage of the Iran Shahed Rescue Ship has concluded. We will not reach our destination at the Port of Hodiedah in Yemen to deliver humanitarian aid.
The unsuccessful conclusion of our mission is the result of only one thing: US-backed Saudi Terrorism.

Call White House! Let Red Crescent ship with humanitarian supplies to Yemen pass! No Blockade!

International Action Center
URGENT! Call the White House! The US and Saudi Arabia Must Not Attack a Civilian Relief Vessel! Let the Aid Ship Pass!
The US and Saudi Arabia are threatening to attack a humanitarian aid ship on the high seas! International observers, including US citizens,  are aboard. This would be piracy and an act of war! Call the White House now at 202-456-1414 and 202-456-1111 and say: Let the aid ship pass!