
US Nuclear Weapons At Risk of Seizure in Turkey

(MEEDozens of US nuclear weapons stored at a Turkish air base near Syria are at risk of being captured by “terrorists or other hostile forces”, a Washington think tank said on Monday.
The US has an estimated 50 nuclear bombs at Incirlik in southern Turkey, 110km from the border with Syria.
The base’s Turkish commander was arrested on suspicion of complicity in last month’s coup plot.

Message in the Music: System of a Down Destroys the American War Machine

(ANTIMEDIA) Though it is arguably the epitome of consumerism and the darker side of the “American dream,” Los Angeles has always been a source of new waves in the music scene. Some of America’s most iconic bands and musicians were picked up from the Los Angeles area, including Rage Against the Machine, N.W.A., Tool, The Doors, Sublime, Metallica, and many more.

US Dramatically Escalates Role in Support of War Crimes Against Yemen

(ANTIWARBetween the year and a half Saudi war against Yemen not achieving the expected quick victory, and the growing talk of war crimes as the civilian death toll from Saudi airstrikes soars, a lot of nations would be looking to distance themselves from the disastrous failure. Not the US, however, as they brag up their escalating support for the Saudi air war.

China Prepares For War As Navy Conducts Massive Military Exercise

(ZHEAs previewed last week, China further substantiated its displeasure with last month’s international tribunal ruling on the East China Sea according to which the country has no claim over the disputed territory, by holding a large-scale “live ammunition” drill in the East China Sea, which involved hundreds of ships and submarines from all three fleets of the People’s Liberation Army.