
The US War on Terror Has Cost $5 Trillion and Increased Terrorism by 6,500%

(ANTIMEDIA) — On September 11, 2001, one of the most tragic events in recent American history took place. Close to 3,000 civilians lost their lives in horrific terror attacks that took place on American soil. Fifteen years later, it is time to ask the question: have our counterterror efforts helped to reduce the amount of terrorism in the world? Or at the very least, have they tried to make the world safer?

Who Would Jesus Support in the 2016 Election?

(ANTIMEDIA) According to a poll published by ABC News, 83 percent of the United States – a country with over 300 million people – identifies as Christian. That is a staggering amount of people who profess to follow the techings of Jesus. Given the sheer size of the faith’s constituents, it would be naive to assume Christianity stays out of American politics.
But what exactly does it mean to be a Christian? What does it mean to follow the work and teachings of Jesus Christ?

Obama and Putin in Standoff on Syria at G20 Summit

(MEEUS President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin had a tense meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit on Sunday in a bid to resolve the ongoing crisis in Syria.
The pair spoke for more than 90 minutes in what Obama described as a “candid, blunt, business-like meeting”. However, they could not reach a deal to ease fighting in the war-torn region.

Life under fire in Syria: interview with Eva Bartlett

Sep 2, 2016,

“Since 2008, Eva has spent more than 3 years in Gaza documenting Palestinian life under Israeli rule. She has also visited Lebanon and, since 2014, has just come back from her 5th trip to Syria, the latter for 9 weeks, to bring back firsthand accounts of what daily life is like for the Syrian people who have been subjected to a Western imperial war for the past over 5 years.”
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