anti-Choice Democrats

How Big Does A Tent Stretch Before It's Too Big To Be Worth Anything At All?

What would closet case Ben Gay Lujan do if the party started recruiting anti-LGBTQ candidates?Even if they started out, long, long, long ago as idealists-- and even entered politics because of idealism-- most entrenched Democratic professional politicians became, somewhere along the line, an ideal-free careerist for whom the Democratic Party is now merely a vehicle for their own, personal career objectives.

The Women's March Is Crucially Important, And... And But...

I don't go in for identity politics at all. Voting for someone because they were born a woman, gay, of any particular religion, Asian or black, for example, is not my cup pf tea. Nor is voting for someone who is a veteran, a scientist, a doctor or part of any age group. Take women. Women make up 51% of the population but just 22% of the Senate and 19% of the House. That's outrageous.

Pelosi And The DCCC Prepare To Lose Again-- Their Specialty And Only Competence

Will Pelosi and Lujan tell the DCCC to pay for ads like this?Pelosi and her failed and incompetent DCCC chairman Ben Ray Lujan have become incredibly divisive forces in the Democratic Party just as the drive starts to win back the House. The DCCC is now openly admitting the recruit and finance Blue Dogs, "ex"-Republicans, New Dems, anti-Choice fanatics and other from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party.

More Anti-Choice Democrats Sneaking Under The Flaps Of The Big Tent

Svaty and Perriello-- women aren't safeMany progressives were upset the Tom Perriello lost the Virginia gubernatorial nomination— and pretty handily-- to Lt. Governor Ralph Northam, 276,734 (55.5%) to 221,777 (44.5%). During the primary campaign, Northam raised $6,465,581.36 and Perriello raised $4,089,566.22. Northam is a pretty standard conservative Southern Democrat but claims too have moved left in recent years.