Anthony Rendon

Will California Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon Be Recalled For Betraying His Constituents?

Like Trump, a liar and manipulatorA couple years ago, I was driving out to City of Hope in Duarte and was able to listen to a whole segment on KPCC, an interview with in-coming Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon. He spoke very eloquently and forcefully about environmental abuses and dangerous industrial and commercial pollution in working class residential communities.

California Scheming: Single-Payer Betrayed By The Democrats Again

By Jim Kavanaugh | The Polemicist | June 26, 2017 Nothing better illustrates the political bankruptcy of the Democratic Party—for all progressive intents and purposes—than California State Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon’s announcement on Friday afternoon that he was going to put a “hold” on the single-payer health care bill (SB 562) for the state, effectively […]

Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon Tosses California TrumpCare Victims Overboard

Remember how the first version of TrumpCare in the House wasn’t quite good enough for the far right savages in the Republican caucus? So they called in Freedom Caucus lunatic Mark Meadows to work with spineless south Jersey multimillionaire Tom MacArthur and they came up with a far worse and more deadly version that the radical right could-- and did-- get behind. That same process is playing out in the Senate now.