Andrew Wheeler

Cowardly Congress Chooses to be AWOL: Shouldn’t Our Elected Representatives be on the Job Providing Essential Services?

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic a careening, confused President is fibbing, flailing, breaking laws, and mishandling money. As the domino effect of this crisis mounts, the public is asking: “Where is the Congress?” Our Senators and Representatives have been home since March 20 and won’t be back until May 4th, not on the job inside the Capitol. Shameful!
Worse, some lawmakers want a remote Congress so they can remain AWOL and pretend to deal with the many crises remotely.

Today, Trump Is Scaling Back Rules Restricting Air And Water Pollution

Last week, Roland made an announcement: we're done with India. I've been there at least half a dozen times since 1970-- once for over a year-- so I wasn't especially disturbed by the proclamation but I asked why. He said that the air pollution is so deadly in the major cities that it was absolutely unsafe. He has some app he uses that measures air pollution around the world.

It's Not Just Trump-- The Whole GOP Has A Really Bad Way Of Dealing With The Concept Of An EPA

Remember when Trump finally fired Scott Pruitt as EPA head? Did you think he’d find someone less antagonistic towards the environment to replace him? Of course you didn’t. And he didn’t. He named a former coal lobbyist, Andrew Wheeler, as the acting chief and on Friday he announced he’ll submit him to the Senate as the EPA head.

People Expect The New EPA Administrator To Be Less Incompetent And Distracted Than Pruitt-- And That's Not A Good Thing

Worse than Pruitt?Yesterday, the New York Times reported that "Scott Pruitt’s brief, tumultuous tenure as the head of the EPA has left him disgraced in the eyes of many in Washington and across the country. But it may not have done him much harm in his home state. Though a comeback for Mr.

Despite Pruitt’s Exit There Is “No Happy Ending” for Planet Earth

While the long-overdue departure of ceaselessly corrupt EPA chief Scott Pruitt on Thursday was undoubtedly a small win for the public and the planet, environmentalists were quick to note that “there’s no happy ending to this story” as Pruitt is being replaced by former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler, who worked for years as an aide to fervent climate-denier Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.).

Meet Andrew Wheeler, the Coal Lobbyist Who Just Took Over the EPA

(CD) — While the long-overdue departure of ceaselessly corrupt EPA chief Scott Pruitt on Thursday was undoubtedly a small win for the public and the planet, environmentalists were quick to note that “there’s no happy ending to this story” as Pruitt is being replaced by former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler, who worked for years as an aide to fervent […]