Andrew Weissman

Mueller plays dumb & the failed coup by Clinton stooge Weissmann (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the disaster for the Democrats and the Deep State that was the Robert Mueller testimony. Of course Mueller’s stupidity and lack of knowledge was very much theater.
Now that it has been revealed that Hillary Clinton stooge, Andrew Weissmann, was the man running the two year plus Russiagate hoax, will AG Barr & Co., bring the hoaxster to justice, and will the various pieces to this soft coup against President Trump finally be put together.

Mark Lambert’s DOJ indictment is not the first linked to Uranium One deal

Last Friday an 11-count indictment of former uranium transportation company executive, Mark Lambert was issued.
This was the latest in a series of DOJ prosecutions involving individuals linked to the Uranium One deal. In fact Mueller’s FBI had been investigating Uranium One since at least 2008, with four indictments handed out, with extremely light sentences given.