Andrew Gavin Marshall

Global Power Project, Part 10- TransCanada Corporation, Kings of the Keystone Pipeline

TransCanada Corporation describes itself as “a leader in the responsible development and reliable and safe operation of North American energy infrastructure.” Beginning in 2005, the company announced plans for the Keystone XL pipeline. In 2010, Canada’s National Energy Board (NEB) approved the full pipeline project, stating that it was in the “public interest” to transport Canadian tar sands oil to the Gulf Coast in the United States.

Empire, Power, and People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 85

World War Crazy

So, is the West going to strike Syria? What will Russia and China do? Are we headed for World War III? Is this really where humanity has come to? If this is the case, then our main cultural focus over the past few days says a great deal about our society: the world rapidly moves toward chaos, but our focus is on Miley Cyrus’ twerking performance. It’s about priorities, after all!

Listen to the podcast show here (Subscribers only):



Empire, Power, and People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 84

The Global Cartel: Central Banks & Financial Markets

What is the nature of financial markets? What are central banks and how are they controlled? These two areas are heavily overlapped, with private banks playing a leading role in the shaping of policy and institutions. Financial markets influence central banks, and central banks influence financial markets, but at the centre are the world’s major bank groups with unprecedented influence to shape a new system of global governance. Welcome to the global cartel.

A Brief Message for Canadians: Get Over It!

It’s Time to Stop Listening to ‘Rebels against Rationality’
CANADIANS: Be ashamed that this newspaper column is what passes for the “public discourse” in this country: a raving, ignorant, arrogant, idiotic and racist rant telling Indigenous people to “get over it” – referring to the state-sanctioned racism, genocide, and imperialism – all of which is still taking place.