Andrew Cuomo

New York City Is Increasingly Becoming A City For Rich Elites, Instead Of Real People

I used to wonder if I was the only person who regretted NYC letting the real estate developers "clean up" Times Square. I miss the seediness and grit, now replaced with the bland anti-reality charmlessness of DisneyWorld. I've seen similar homogenization initiatives ruin interesting and unique corners of the world from Thailand to tiny Essaouira in Morocco.

Which Corrupt Party Establishment Fights For Nothing And Stands For Nothing Except Staying In Power?

The ugly, happy faces of political dysfunction in New York: Skelos and CuomoSaturday we looked at the fallout from Andrew Cuomo's treachery in regard to Bronx state Senator Jeffrey Klein, leader of the small faction of right-wing fake Democrats who work with the New York GOP to keep the state Senate a conservative force.

Are We Going To Condemn Ourselves To Voting For The Lesser Of Two Evils For Eternity?

New York State has 62 counties. A majority of voters in only 16 of them backed Andrew Cuomo's reelection as governor last week. He beat Republican Rob Astorino 1,919,225 (53.96%) to 1,443,713 (40.59%)-- with 173,606 votes (4.88%) for Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins.In September Cuomo spent $60.62 per voter to win a 62-35% victory over staunchly progressive icon, Zephyr Teachout, who managed to win 30 counties, several-- like Ulster, Sullivan, Columbia, Schoharie, Saratoga, Otsego, and Tompkins-- with over two thirds of the vote.

Can Anyone Really Be Surprised That Cuomo's Man Jeffrey Klein Sold Out The New York Senate Democrats... Again?

Andrew Cuomo, Jeffrey Klein-- same, sameBlue America didn't get involved with all that many state legislative races this cycle. But one we did work on was in the Bronx, for a reformer and former New York Attorney General, Oliver Koppell, who ran against an extremely corrupt fake Democrat from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party, state Senator Jeffrey Klein.

Throwing in the towel on the 2014 campaign, and while we're at it the 2016 campaign as well

"I get 'The Temple will be rebuilt' and 'The Messiahwill come.' But what does 'Hillary will run' mean?"by KenJust as I was about to make the official announcement that I'm officially sick of the 2014 election campaign, along comes The New Yorker's David Sipress, on his current stint as "Daily Cartoon"-ist, with the above cartoon, to remind me that I'm actually alre

Is Tomorrow's Primary In New York Important At All?

Tomorrow is election day in New York. Reform-minded Democrats are threatening to do the impossible: upend the career of a very powerful conservative Governor, Andrew Cuomo but defeating him and his handpicked right-wing candidate for Lieutenant Gov., banking lobbyist Kathy Hochul. Cuomo-Hochul represent all the worst of an Establishment that has treated the public with disdain and contempt.