Andrew Cuomo

Have You Had Enough Of Republicans In Blue Districts With Ds Next To Their Names?

Let's start by listening to the worst Democrat left in the New York state Senate, Simcha Felder. In fact let's start by listening to the 23 second clip from Felder's May 2 presentation at the the Bay Democrats club. It's sort of a confession. "For those of you who are loyal Democrats," he told the roomful of loyal Democrats, "that believe that the only person that can represent you is somebody that's a loyal Democrat-- I'm not that guy ." He sure isn't. Blake Morris is... which is part of the reason he has been endorsed by Blue America.

How Andrew Cuomo Helped Destroy Public Housing

During a sunny Saint Patrick’s Day weekend, reporters gathered anxiously outside of the monolithic Taft Houses in East Harlem waiting for the day’s main attraction: Governor Andrew Cuomo. When he finally arrived, in grand fashion with a posse of local politicians behind him, reporters were treated to an exclusive tour of some of the decaying apartments in the enormous complex.

Anybody But Cuomo? Well Almost Anybody

The 2020 presidential election is a long way off. Trump could be in prison by then-- or living in a dacha in Rublevka or perhaps the "golden ring" northeast of Moscow. The Democrats may be preparing to run against him but may have to face a more conventional Republican like Pence, Rubio, Cruz, Kasich-- is there another Bush yet?-- or even, by then, former Congressman Paul Ryan.