Andrew Cuomo

How Can You Tell The Difference Between A Progressive Democrat And A Centrist?

A friendly congressman called me yesterday to complain about progressives-- particularly young ones-- not pulling together behind Pelosi and Biden. I reminded him what primaries are all about and he asked if I thought all the "energetic young people"-- who he doesn't think know anything (he said that)-- would accept Biden as the nominee if he wins the primary. I told him that most Democrats probably will, although I think Trump will be able to persuade many African-Americans to sit on their hands rather than vote for the racist Biden will be painted as.

Republicans Aren't The Only Bad Guys-- This Week's Swampiest Crooks: Andy Cuomo, Cheri Bustos, Joe Crowley

Last week, we looked at a video message from Abigail Disney from the Patriotic Millionaires, talking about-- though not by name-- some extremely bad Democrats in New York: Governor Cuomo and Senate Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, of course + The Long Island 6: legislators Todd Kaminsky, Monica Martinez, Kevin Thomas, James Gaughran, John Brooks and Anna Kaplan. Like the clip above, it's part of their campaign to pass a small tax on the super rich-- just people whose annual income is over $5 million.

What Was Important About New York's Primary Results Yesterday? (Not Cuomo's Win)

Cuomo won but time is up for his IDC alliesCuomo's establishment Dems won across the board at the top of the ticket in New York yesterday-- he, himself (the avatar for corruption), Kathy Hochul (a hair away from being a Republican), and Letitia James (his hand-picked candidate, chosen to keep his criminal activities as governor from being investigated by Zephyr Teachout). Cuomo won with 975,552 votes (65.6%) against Cynthia Nixon (34.4%).

New York Primaries

Zephyr and BernieThe polls close in New York at 9 tomorrow... so there's nothing left to do but vote if you can-- and to sit back and watch the returns come in. I'll update this post as they do. Remember, these are state races, not federal primaries, which already happened.The big ones tomorrow night are the gubernatorial and lieutenant gubernatorial races, the AG race and the state Senate races.