Andrew Cuomo

Coronavirus Props Up Cuomo as Madam Secretary Takes the #MeToo Axe to Biden and Bloomberg Yanks a Billion from Sleepy Joe

It became increasingly clear, right? The DNC nomination process was really just aimed at derailing Bernie Sanders campaign, despite his groveling and failure to rise to the historical moment. Biden nevertheless couldn’t possibly be the DNC nominee. There was just no way, not in his present condition. 2016 Biden maybe, but in the past few years his cognitive decline has become all the more evident. His last few TV appearances and a strange virtual town-hall went very badly for him.

Ian Welsh Muses On "The Terrible Impulse To Rally Around Bad Leaders In A Crisis"

"When do we get back to normal? I don't think we get back to normal," said my governor earlier this week. (After a long "standby" period, the action starts at 36:13 of the clip.) "I think," he went on to say, "we get to a new normal," adding later, "Let's make sure we're getting the positive lesson, not the negative one." What he had to say, I thought, was pretty darned smart.

As We've Established, Trump Is Worse Than Biden-- But Trump Is Also Worse Than Cuomo

The Democratic establishment seems eager to do a switcheroo-- anything to keep Bernie out of there White House-- replacing a doddering unelectable Biden with hero du jour, Andrew Cuomo. How unfit is Biden-- how incapable of campaigning and beating Trump, not to mention how incapable of running the United States well?