Amy Klobuchar

Amy Klobuchar And Sherrod Brown Want To Be President Too

I've tried to make it clear that the Worst Democraps Who Want To Be President series is not just for any candidate I don't like, but really for the very worst of the worst, like Gillibrand and Bloomberg. So... I may not want to see Amy Klobuchar get the nomination, nor Sherrod Brown, Cory Booker or Kamala Harris, but none of them belongs in that series.

Are Voters Looking For Candidates From The Mushy Middle?

Didn't we learn anything from the Hillary debacle? Voters are looking for someone authentic-- not a concoction of consultant and pollster memos-- who stands for something that helps ordinary working families. I doubtHouse Democrats will even try to live up to that once they take over in January, but that's what turned out their voters three weeks ago.

Who's The Best Candidate To Clean Out Trump's Filthy Pigsty-- Be It A Man Or A Woman?

Who's going to clean up the disgusting crap Trump and the Republican Party took on America? Electing a Democratic Congress next year will be a start but it won't be enough. America is going to need a smart, strong, capable and determined president in 2020. When Eurystheus ordered Hercules to clean up King Augeas' stables, he only had one day to do it and he altered the course of two rivers-- Alpheus and Peneus-- to get it done.