Amy Coney Barrett

Greasing the Bench

  -by Skip Kaltenheuser John Grisham, meister of legal thrillers, must look at the Dark Money flying about Supreme Court nominees and think, “You stinking thieves, give me my book plots back!” In a logical world, in a sane US Senate resistant to corruption, Senators would give the bum's rush to nominees to the Supreme Court who are being promoted with millions, tens of millions, in dark money.

Amy Coney Barrett, Liar and Climate Denier, Disqualifies Herself for Any Position Involving Factual Evaluation

 by Thomas NeuburgerIt couldn't be more simple. When Notre Dame Law professor and Trump Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett was asked at her Senate hearing about climate change (one of the few times senators questioned her on this subject), she had this to say:“I don’t think I am competent to opine on what causes global warming or not.”Every human on the planet is "competent to opine" on what causes global warming.

Democrats use Amy Coney Barrett hearing to demonize U.S. Supreme Court

Democrats use Amy Coney Barrett hearing to demonize U.S. Supreme CourtThe Duran: Episode 701. Biden Campaign, Media Attempt To Redefine ‘Packing The Court’ In Attack Against Republicans Over ACB. As the Senate Judiciary Committee begins its examination of President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court, the Biden Campaign seeks to redefine the meaning of ‘packing […]

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

  by Noah Donald J. Biohazard just had to hold another one of his patented Super-Spreader events to proudly present the latest Republican manifestation of their anti-health care, anti-women, and anti-voting rights stances. He couldn't help himself. He couldn't miss an opportunity to expose people, even those who support him, to a life threatening virus. Since then, the number of attendees who are testing positive for COVID-19 is growing by the day.