Ammar Campa-Najjar

Let Me Make Your Day

The 6 women in this focus group are all from swing states and all voted for Trump. Most would do it again... although half say they are disappointed. They all say they want to use the midterms to "send a message." Take a look. One thing for sure, this sure doesn't sound like part of any wave. But, keep in mind they were all Trump voters in 2016.This morning Axios launched an idea for how they plan to measure the upcoming wave.

The Names "Chris Collins," "Duncan Hunter" And "Mark Foley" And Wave Election Years

This is what the Republican Culture of Corruption Looks Like In 2018With future Speaker Nancy Pelosi's connivance, Denny Hastert-- then Speaker, currently in prison for raping underage boys-- protected alcoholic Florida Congressman Mark Foley (a "nice guy") from ever having to face charges from dozens of young men-- congressional pages-- that he had sex or tried to have sex with them.

The Republican Culture Of Corruption Goes Way Beyond Just Trump And His Congressional Lackeys In Buffalo And San Diego

When Trump's first congressional endorser, Chris Collins (R-NY) was indicted on a long list of financial corruption charges, he was smart enough to announce the end of his reelection campaign. When Trump's second endorser, Drunken Hunter (R-CA) was indicted on a long list of financial corruption charges, he blamed everyone but himself and even lashed out at Paul Ryan for telling him to leave his committee positions, saying he never would.