amino acids

Could Cockroach Milk be the Next Superfood?

When you think of superfoods, you probably think of pomegranates, pickles, kombucha, turmeric … most of that good stuff. But that if someone suggested to you that milk from a big, disgusting insect most people try to kill was the source of the next big superfood?
If you’ve spent your life stomping on cockroaches (or running from them screaming, like I do), this story might not appeal to you, but here goes nothing.

The One Amino Acid You Should Be Eating to Lose 62% More Fat

There are far too many fad diets out there that skimp on real nutrition, and worse, sell pre-packaged foods that are called ‘low fat’ when they also include GMOs, MSG, and a host of artificial colors and flavors. Aside, from simply detoxing your body so that you can lose weight safely, research shows that eating more protein, and specifically one amino acid in particular, can boost your metabolic rate 3 times more than eating a diet high in fat and simple carbs.

GMO Amino Acids Become Newest Biotech Creation

In a study issued by Yale University, the latest answer to GM crop contamination has been revealed by biotech – genetically modified amino acids.

“Scientists have devised a way to ensure genetically modified organisms can be safely confined in the environment, overcoming a major obstacle to widespread use of GMOs in agriculture, energy production, waste management, and medicine.” [1]