american freedom radio

Porkins Policy Radio episode 53 Brian Heiss on OJ Simpson: Veritas The Fuhrman Tapes

Today I spoke with researcher Brian Heiss about his work looking into the OJ Simpson trial. We discuss Brian’s excellent film OJ Veritas: The Furhman Tapes, and the impact and role that Fuhrman played during the trial. Brian and I also discuss his comprehensive timeline of the murder, which plainly show how OJ could not have murdered Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman. We also discuss some of our general theories on the case. We will be talking again with Brian soon to expand on these ideas.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 52 Tom Secker – Chase Brandon, State entertainment, Turkey Coup,

For this inaugural episode I am joined by my good friend and frequent collaborator Tom Secker. We begin by discussing the bizarre life and career of the CIA Hollywood liaison Chase Brandon. We then move onto the relationship between entertainment and the security services. We explore the notion that this going beyond mere propaganda, and instead represents a significant distortion of our culture and perception of reality and world events.

The Ochelli Effect – Sibel Edmonds and Pearse Redmond talk Newsbud and more

Sibel and I had the great pleasure of joining the one and only Chuck Ochelli on The Ochelli Effect to discuss Newsbud and the importance of true independent media.  In the first hour it is mainly Sibel talking about Newsbud, the team, and how we will be a different kind of alternative media.  In the second hour Chuck and I dive into the geopolitics of Central Asia, the Finicum shooting, Donald Trump and much more.