An American Babushka In Moscow

An American Babushka in Moscow:  The Brave Hearts of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and Edward Snowden

Perhaps the first signs of his bravery were the fights he fought against bigger, tougher boys in the courtyard of the St. Petersburg building where he grew up.  He fought not only for himself, but also to protect other boys; one could say that even back then, he fought for justice.  Then there was the incident at Dresden when an[Read More...]

An American Babushka in Moscow:  Reflections on the logic of the permanent war economy

Monogamy and growing old produce the same results.  Sleeping with the same person over and over again takes the razor sharp blade of passion and dulls it flat.  So too, living in the world, truly living in it and not just in one small cell of it, reduces the sharp peaks of our emotions, rounds them out into dull stones[Read More...]

An American Babushka in Moscow:  An enigmatic sky and the stillness and silence of Moscow

Of course, one never knows the degree to which what one sees is distorted by “subjectivness”; the extent to which one projects oneself upon the screen of existence.  But it does seem to me that Moscow, from Tverskaya Boulevard to the streets of KitayGorod, to the familiar paths of Perovo Park,  a great stillness has descended upon the people.  A[Read More...]

An American Babushka in Russia: The Putin Youth

  I find two things that catch my eye this morning.  One is an article in the Moscow Times, a liberal English language newspaper written for Moscow expats, the other, a website sent to me by my friend, Alexey Vasilyev.  They are of interest to me because they deal with what might be called the “Putin Generation” – those young[Read More...]