Alternative Medicine

Religious Leaders Are Getting High on Magic Mushrooms to Study the Experience

(ANTIMEDIA) Maryland — How would you feel if you found out your priest was getting high in between sermons? As contradictory as that question sounds, it may be something the faithful — of all sects, all around the world — might one day have to consider. Scientists have now begun investigating the effects psychedelic drugs have on religious experiences.
From an article published by The Guardian over the weekend:

Amish Man Sentenced To Six Years In Prison For Not Seeking FDA Approval

(ANTIMEDIA) Kentucky — “I am not a creation of state/government, as such I am not within its jurisdiction.”
Those words were written by Samuel Girod in a document filed in a Kentucky federal court in June. Girod is an Amish farmer who was convicted in March of selling herbal health products that, as reported by the Lexington Herald-Leader on Friday, “were not adequately labeled as required by federal law.”

If You Already Switched to Organic Food, We Have Good News for You

(ANTIMEDIA) According to a recent review of existing scientific data, foods with high levels of pesticides may compromise brain health and lower IQs.
The report, commissioned by the E.U. parliament to determine the safety of pesticides in food and the potential of organic alternatives, does not appear to be publicly available but has been viewed by multiple non-American outlets.

Doctors Gave Boy 3 Days to Live, Then His Mom Secretly Gave Him Cannabis

(ANTIMEDIA) Both anecdotal evidence and clinical research are beginning to show the promise of cannabis in treating a variety of health issues. According to one family in the U.K., cannabis helped a dying teenage boy recover fully from complications from leukemia. The family recently appeared on the British talk show, This Morning, to discuss their experience.