
The Story of Charlottesville was Written in Blood in the Ukraine

What is the character of racist right-wing politics today? Is it the crazed white supremacist who plows into an anti-fascist demonstration in Charlottesville, VA or can it also be the assurance by Lindsay Graham that an attack against North Korea would result in thousands of lives lost…. but those lives will be “over there”? What about the recent unanimous resolution by both houses of Congress in support of Israel and criticism of the United Nations for its alleged anti-Israeli bias?

The World Reacts To President Trump’s Defense Of Neo-Nazis

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) charged President Donald Trump with “embarrassing” his own country during a press conference on Tuesday—and the overnight evidence suggests he’s exactly right.
President Donald Trump’s defense of last weekend’s violent neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia was met with shock across the country and around the world on Wednesday, with some of the strongest criticism coming from his hometown of New York City.

On Free Speech, Police And Peaceful Protest In Charlottesville

Let’s be clear about one thing: no one—not the armed, violent, militant protesters nor the police—gave peace a chance during the August 12 demonstrations in Charlottesville, Va.
What should have been an exercise in free speech quickly became a brawl. It’s not about who threw the first punch or the first smoke bomb.
It’s not about which faction outshouted the other, or which side perpetrated more violence, or even which group can claim to be the greater victim.

Kevin MacDonald - The Importance of Understanding the JQ - Hour 1

Dr. Kevin MacDonald has a PhD in Biobehavioral Sciences and is an expert on Jewish influence and identity. He is the editor and chief contributor of The Occidental Observer, an online publication that focuses on White identity, White interests, and the culture of the West. Kevin is also the author of numerous books, including The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements.
A video version of this show is available here.