
How Online Trolls Pushing for Regime Change in Syria Helped Popularize Trump’s Attack on ‘Alt-Left’

Counter demonstrators (dubbed the ‘Alt-Left’) photographing white supremacist at the entrance to Emancipation Park in Charlottesville, Va., Aug. 12, 2017. (AP/Steve Helber)
President Donald Trump has attempted to establish a false equivalence between neo-Nazis and the anti-fascist, anti-racist leftists who were most recently seen resisting neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, Virginia.

James Allsup - The Mainstream Media Is Lying About Charlottesville

James Allsup is a YouTube partner, writer, and former political operative. He runs a YouTube political commentary channel with over 100k subscribers, writes for The Liberty Conservative, and was the Senior Adviser for the Students for Trump organization in the 2016 election cycle. He is a senior at Washington State University and former chairman of the Washington College Republicans Federation.