Ali G

President For All Americans

Trump and the evangelicals who think God-- rather than Putin-- put him in the White House, don't always see eye to eye. Evangelicals claim the earth was created around 7,000 years ago (and men were created 6 days later). Earth was actually created 4.5 billion years ago and some kind of human-like creatures appeared around two and a half million years ago.

How Senile Is Trump?

In the clip above, David Parkman makes the case that Trump, the oldest person to ever occupy the White House, may be suffering from Alzheimer's disease-- like his neo-Nazi father-- or some other form of dementia. Last week Sharon Begley posted a piece at STAT headlined Experts Say Trump's Deteriorating Speech Could Be Sign of Early Dementia. "STAT," she wrote, "asked experts to compare Trump's speech from decades ago to that in 2017.

Ali G Loves Romans... And Brunch; Caitlin Jenner Really Hates Hillary; And Marcy Kaptur Endorses Bernie

No matter how horrid a monster, Ted Cruz acknowledges all his fanatic racist and bigoted endorsers. He's always "proud" to be endorsed by someone advocating stoning gay people to death or firebombing women's health clinics. But Caitlin Jenner was a step too far. When the reality show celebrity endorsed him he ignored the vote of confidence. And when she offered to be his "trans ambassador," he refused to comment.