Alexis Tsipras

Why did Greek PM Alexis Tsipras agree to such a bad “Macedonia” deal? (Video)

The fallout from the “North Macedonia” deal continues to pick up strength, as both sides begin to question the merits of the “solution” worked out by Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and his northern FYROM counterpart Zoran Zaev.
Greek lawmakers are debating a no-confidence motion in the government brought by the main New Democracy opposition party over a name dispute deal which ends up recognizing a Macedonian language, a people known as Macedonians, and citizens belonging to a country with the term “Macedonia.”

Trouble in the Balkans: Greece risks losing their history to EU and NATO pressure (Video)

Hours after the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and his FYROM counterpart Zoran Zaev declared that they had reached an agreement that would see the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia rename itself the “Republic of North Macedonia”, the nation’s president refused point-blank to sign the deal.
“My position is final and I will not yield to any pressure, blackmail or threats,” president Gjorge Ivanov, who is backed by the nationalist opposition, told a news conference in Skopje.

Foreign Policy for Sale: Greece’s Dangerous Alliance with Israel

For a brief historical moment, Alexis Tsipras and his political party, Syriza, ignited hope that Greece could resurrect a long-dormant Leftist tide in Europe.
A new Greece was being born out of the pangs of pain of economic austerity, imposed by the European Union and its overpowering economic institutions – a troika so ruthless, it cared little while the Greek economy collapsed and millions of people experienced the bitterness of poverty, unemployment and despair.

Yanis Varoufakis reveals he accused Greek PM Alexis Tsipras of being “totally stupid” in dealing with Greece’s creditors

When Radical left PM Alexis Tsipras had his ‘Grexit’ bluff called out by Brussels technocrats, then finance minister Yanis Varoufakis blasted Tsipras for his complete capitulation to EU demands.
Varoufakis’ split from Tsipras, and the details behind the schism between the two men, has been a subject of much debate, as the Greek economy continues to falter into greater despair.
Varoufakis is now disclosing some colorful rhetoric that took place in the early days of Tsipras’ presidency, and his quick subjugation to his EU masters during the summer of 2015.

Greece’s 15 minutes of fame may be gone, but its ordeal is far from over

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Greek PM Alexis Tsipras meets Trump, to give positive spin for a $350 billion never ending debt (Video)

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Deceit, Betrayal and the Left: The ‘Traitor of the Year Award’

By James Petras :: 04.30.2017 Introduction While the Right faithfully supports the policies and interests of its ruling class supporters, the Left has systematically betrayed their political platform promises and deceived its working class, salaried employees, small business and regional supporters. Historic reversals have happened in rapid succession by Leftist leaders, including greater oligarch control […]