Alexandra Petri

Say, Mark Zuckerberg, what be these mysterious devices you've discovered called . . . um, "books"?

In case you're keeping count, as of when I looked this evening, "Mariel Feliciano and 123,347 others like[d] this."by KenI know, I know, you're thinking it's both obvious and childish to be the umpteenth, or umpteen thousandth, person to jump ugly on Facebook guru, and therefore media wizard, Mark Zuckerberg for writing, in a January 2 Facebook p

"Trends" and "millennials" are scary enough separately -- whose brilliant idea was it to put them together?

This helpful guide is provided by Alexandra Petri with her post today, "Trend piece about Millennials finds new trend: that trend pieces are being written."by KenAs noted above,'s Alexandra Petri has worked up this helpful flow chart to assist would-be writers of such p

"Sunny John" Boehner doesn't deserve to be made fun of by Alexandra Petri

If Alexandra Petri and I are both having a spot of trouble with misbehaving words, it's in the great tradition of Saturday Night Live's perpetually angry scourge, Emily Litella (Gilda Radner), who (for example) couldn't understand what all the fuss was about "violins in schools.""The American people said they wanted change, but really what they wanted was just a little bit off the top because anything else would frighten their spouses. . .