Alex Isenstadt

Who Thinks Trump Will Have An Impact On The 2018 Midterms?

During the campaign Trump fared poorly when he tried interfering with Republican primaries. His crackpot candidates all lost. He endorsed and cut radio spots for Renee Ellmers (R-NC), the first woman in Congress to endorse him. Despite his help-- possibly because of it-- she barely managed to come in second in her three-way primary.

No Stopping Herr Trumpf Now-- Who's To Blame?

Remember the bright red "Keep Calm It Won't Be Trump" memes floating around the internet as recently as two weeks ago? No more. Geoff Garin, head of Hart Research polled 160 political insiders about who they expected to see win the Republican nomination. Way back in October, 8% had chosen Herr Trumpf. Now 59% say the GOP nominee will be Herr.

Kasich And Trump-- The Gloves Come Off

According to the new Morning Consult polling data released yesterday on the popularity of the 50 states' governors, Ohio Republican John Kasich is doing pretty well. Back in Ohio, he has a 59% approval rating and just a 29% disapproval rating. His popularity back home, though, isn't translating in the Republican presidential primary, where he is barely a factor.


Politicians are widely seen as legitimate-- even healthy-- targets of skepticism, derision and raucous humor. Rachel Maddow's opening piece on one of her MSNBC shows this week-- a look at Jeb Bush's tech campaign-- was nothing short of hilarious. I have two broken ribs and I was in pain from laughing so hard while I watched it.

The Worst Of The Worst-- Next Year's Most Horrible Members Of Congress

Without Steve Israel's incompetence, Glenn Grothman wouldn't be on his way to becoming a Member of CongressThere are some close House races that may not be decided until 3 weeks from today. But the vast majority of the 435 elections have already been decided. Because of gerrymandering, some districts are so red or so blue that the incumbents don’t have electoral opponents.