Alan Lowenthal

If You Want Congress To Address The Climate Crisis Seriously, You Should Help Elect Candidates Who Take It As Seriously As You Do

If you've been following DWT since 2012, you probably remember when we endorsed then-state Senator Al Lowenthal of Long Beach for Congress. He had a great record in the state legislature, so it was an easy pick. And-- guess what... he's been a great member of Congress as well.

Another Shakeup In The Inland Empire Congressional Race (CA-31)

After huge endorsements for Inland Empire progressive Eloise Reyes from Southern California progressive leaders Rep. Xavier Becerra, Rep. Lucille Roybal Allard, state Senator Ed Hernández, and ex-Secretary of Labor/former CA-31 Congresswoman Hilda Solis, the DCCC's Steve Israel was forced to back away from his love affair with corrupt conservative empty suit Pete Aguilar. He added the district rather than Aguilar to the Red-to-Blue list. Perhaps that was enough of a signal for Rep.