Al Sqeilbiyyeh

British regime complicit in the mass exodus of Christians from war torn Syria

It is estimated that less than 700,000 Christians remain in Syria, less than 4% (reduced from 10%) of a 19 million population also itself decimated by forced displacement by the invasion of armed mercenaries and terrorist groups that are being funded, armed and promoted by the US Coalition media as “moderate rebels”. Christian communities have been targeted and persecuted mercilessly - from Aleppo to Damascus and beyond.

The resurrection of Aya Sophia on Syrian soil – Al Sqeilbiyyeh, Hama.

When Erdogan threatened the history and existence of Christianity in the region through his support of terrorists and extremists in Syria and his erosion of Christian heritage in Turkey - the commander of the Sqeilbiyyeh National Defence Forces, Nabel Alabdalla, decided to take action against Erdogan's neo-ottoman ambitions. When Erdogan converted the historic Aya Sophia temple into a mosque, Nabel began his project to rebuild a downsized replica of Aya Sophia in Sqeilbiyyeh.

Nabel Alabdalla – “History will not be erased by a fanatic and war criminal”

The following is a statement from the commander of the National Defence Forces in the Syrian Christian city of Al Sqeilbiyyeh, Nabel Alabdalla. Nabel is planning to build a symbolic version of Hagia Sophia in his city on the land that he and his soldiers have defended for 10 years against the terrorist gangs dominated by Al Qaeda and sponsored by the US Coalition, including Turkey (a NATO member state)

SYRIA: Towns in Hama celebrate SAA victory against international terrorism

These scenes of jubilation and joy will never be shown by the Western media terrorist acolytes as they try to maintain the "bad SAA vs good rebel" narrative that has been utterly exposed as a lie and a hoax from day one of this filthy war against Syria - waged by the U.S, UK, EU and their lackeys in Turkey, Gulf States and co-engineered by Israel.