Al Nusra

Reflections on Astana, an imperfect settlement to an unnecessary conflict

Those who had high hopes for the Astana peace talks were ultimately naïve. The most the conference could accomplish is preventing a very bad situation from getting worse. At the moment it appears that such a thing might be happening. I say so with caution.
The biggest obstacle to progress is the fundamental different way in which each party views peace.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 77 Homeland Season 6 with Tom Secker and Breaking News with Robbie Martin

In the first hour Tom Secker joins me to discuss the season premier of Homeland season six. We talk about the season reboot which has become a ubiquitous feature of Homeland. Tom and I begin by discussing our initial impressions of the season and where we think the show is going on a political and emotional level. Next we move onto one of the new and most interesting characters in the show, President-elect Elizabeth Keane, the junior Senator from New York.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 75 My 2017 Predictions with Chuck Ochelli

On today’s episode I lay out my predictions for 2017. In the first hour I look at geopolitics and the places I think will be important in 2017. I begin by focusing on a possible resolution in Syria and how this may play out for the future. I also talk about a few other hot-spots in the middle east to pay attention to: Israel and Yemen. I discuss why these are both important for the future of the region and on a global scale. I also explore Asia, focusing on China and North Korea.

Porkins Great Game episode 16 Moderate Rebels and Heroin Warlords

The wait is finally over, Porkins Great Game is back! We begin by taking a look at the recent Parliamentary elections in Georgia. We break down how the elections turned out and analyze the results and what that may mean for the political future of Georgia. Christoph and I also touch on the most recent scandal in Georgia dealing with yet another leaked audio tape of Saakashvili. In our second segment we discuss the ongoing violence in Afghanistan as well as a ongoing peace negotiations. We begin with the recent peace deal between the government and famed heroin warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.

The Final Presidential Debate Live: Trump vs Hillary – Jay Dyer on Red Ice

Join Red Ice and special guests for live commentary during the final presidential debate between Trump and Hillary, along with post debate analysis. This is last night’s full commentary stream.
Guests include Jay Dyer, Angelo John Gage, James Edwards, Janet Bloomfield (aka JudgyBitch), Jazzhands McFeels & Catalyst.

Trump, Clinton Leaks, Soros & Syria – Jay Dyer on Red Ice

Jay Dyer is a public speaker, lecturer, comedian and author of Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film, as well as the host of the JaysAnalysis Podcast/Esoteric Hollywood. He is also a regular contributor to 21stCenturyWire, Soul of the East and the Espionage History Archive. Jay’s work covers a wide variety of subjects, including metaphysics, film analysis, theology, geopolitics, literature, and history.