al Nursra Front

Empire Perpetrates Its Dirty War on Syria Beneath the Protected Cover of Big Lies

Global Research – November 22, 2106 The following text is an excerpt of a forthcoming E-Book entitled Voices From Syria, by Mark Taliano. Taliano focusses on the broad issue of  Media Disinformation and America’s Wars: Liars Versus Truthers. According to the author, the  “Progressive Left” Has Been Coopted. Voices From Syria is slated to be launched […]

The Criminal West’s State Sponsorship of Terrorism

By Mark Taliano | American Herald Tribune | October 11, 2016 The West keeps all of its mercenary terrorists, including its “A -Team”— al Qaeda and ISIS – well equipped with sophisticated weaponry. In 2014, for example, when Lebanese and Libyan terrorists captured the world-renowned Krak des Chevaliers, a UNESCO world heritage site, the Syrian […]

Outrageous crimes and genocide protected by Western lies and duplicity

By Mark Taliano | American Herald Tribune | July 22, 2016 Recently Paul Craig Roberts recounted a conversation he had with James Jesus Angleton, a former head of CIA counterintelligence, in which they discussed strategies that the CIA employs to dupe the American and global public, with a view to perpetrating criminal agendas, cloaked beneath […]