Al-Masdar News

WATCH: Northwest Hama Residents Welcome Syrian Army Headed to Idlib

Al Masdar News reports…
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (4:30 P.M.) – A convoy for the Syrian Army heading to the outskirts of Idlib for upcoming offensive was warmly welcomed by residents of al-Ghab Plain in northwest Hama countryside.
The convoy belongs to the SAA’s elite 4th Armored Division which was tasked with fighting jihadi groups near al-Ghab Plain once the full-scale offensive begins.

Russian Air Force ‘Stalking’ Jihadists Over Idlib, Syrian Army Prepares for Offensive

Al Masdar News reports…
BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:30 P.M.) – The Russian Air Force has been stalking the jihadist forces in the Idlib province over the last 72 hours.
Russian reconnaissance planes have been repeatedly flying over the southern and western countrysides of the Idlib Governorate in order to monitor and identify jihadist movements around the province.

Syrian Army Spies Taunt Jihadi Militants in North Idlib with Videos

Al Masdar News reports…
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (6:25 P.M.) – As the Syrian Army amasses forces to storm the jihadi-controlled Idlib, government agents continue to taunt militants by posting videos from various areas across the province.
Today, the official Facebook page of the elite Tiger Forces released a video filmed by government spies from Kafr Takharim town in northern Idlib.

SOHR: US Coalition Transports Over 250 Trucks Filled with Weapons to Deir Ezzor

Al Masdar News reports…
BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:30 A.M.) – The U.S. Coalition transported over 250 trucks filled with weapons to the Euphrates River Valley this morning, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported.
According to the SOHR report, the 250+ vehicles were not only transporting weapons, but also, military hardware for the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the Deir Ezzor Governorate.

Syrian Army to ISIS: ‘Surrender or die’ in East Sweida

Al Masdar News reports…
BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:30 P.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army issued their final demand to the terrorists off the Islamic State (ISIS) in the eastern countryside of Sweida, calling on their forces to either surrender the Al-Safa Canyon or die.
The Islamic State is fully besieged at the strategic Al-Safa Canyon and all of their attempts to break out of this region have failed.

REPORT: Israeli Snipers ‘Execute’ Two Palestinians, Injure Over 300 in Gaza

Al Masdar News reports…
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (5:08 A.M)- Yesterday Israeli regime forces executed two Palestinians and injured upwards of 300, during Friday demonstrations.
According to the Gaza Health Ministry 307 injuries were inflicted, upon demonstrators. Of those injured, 85 were shot with live ammunition, 26 children were injured along with 5 medics.