Al Kamen

The DAmN Party (aka GOP) rampages onward in its take-no-prisoners assault on truth, justice, and the American way

Confirmation yesterday by the Senate Judiciary Committee was the second step toward the failure of Nina Pillard's nomination to the District Circuit Court of Appeals, which began with the president's announcement of her KenI had to really scrutinize a "Fix" item the other day, "Ted Cruz vs.

At last, NYC has drug dealers God doesn't have to be ashamed of

Not so fast, gents. You aren't by chance transacting this transaction on the Sabbath, are you? For shame!by KenYou've probably heard this story, but I wanted to make sure. It's about the observant Jewish drug dealers in Brighton Beach who warned their customers via text that their business shut down every Friday evening and daytime Saturday.

Speaker "Sunny John" Boehner needs our help -- he's run out of ideas for his top legislative priorities

If the House GOP can't think of anything better to prioritize, maybe they could do something about the McRib sandwich (by all means click on it to enlarge) -- and do something about the sauce, and maybe the pork KenEarlier today Howie wrote ("Is Boehner Retiring?) about rumors that the only speaker of the House we have is thinking about packing it in: "Boehner's job -- trying to herd the fractious, r