Al Kamen

Say you're a guest at a N. Korean gov't do. When the check comes, how much do you tip?

Dinner with General Kim: When he invites you, makesure you've got your wallet on you -- possibly with cash."[Director of National Intelligence James] Clapper said he dined with [Gen.] Kim [Yong Chol, head of North Korea's Reconnaissance General Bureau] during a secret mission to Pyongyang in November to retrieve two Americans being held by the North Koreans.

It's when we Americans are put to the test that we show what we're really made of -- say howdy to ebola lawyers

Yes, the tireless David Sipress is still manning The New Yorker's "Daily Cartoon" beat. (You can click on today's offering to enlarge it.)by KenI know I'm taking a certain liberty in tacking David Sipress's New Yorker "Daily Cartoon" for today onto a post that's actually concerned with getting tough on ebola. But really, terrorism, ebola, it's all the same thing, isn't it?

Doesn't Carlos Danger need a better name than "Rockaway Restoration Kitchen" for his entry into the restaurant world?

Does it get any more macho? Well, it might if Anthony W didn't look like he just found out he inadvertently sent a penis picture to the pope. Meanwhile, Mikey S looks like he just threatened to throw the pope off his balcony."To be frank, Weiner would not be the first scandal-ridden New York pol to have tried his hand at the restaurant business. Rep.

"Gotcha, bitch!" screamed Scott Brown at NH Sen. Jeanne Shaheen. Only the cannonball landed on his own foot, which happened to be in his mouth at the time

"Ooh, gotcha!" apparently thought once and would-be-future Sen. Scott Brown. "Bitch'll never know what hit her!" Maybe, maybe KenNormally the modern blood sport of "gotcha" politics thrives on ignorance and stupidity, a perfect match for the virtually achieved right-wing dream of an electorate -- and a snoozemedia gang -- dominated by people with absolute-zero functional IQs (fIQs).

It's press corps vs. press handlers (again!) -- plus a "Loop" contest update and reminder

by KenThe lead item in today's Washington Post "In the Loop" column begins by referring back to "a recent play-by-play" by Politico's Dylan Byers, "illustrating the cat-and-mouse games the White House plays with the press," so I thought we would start with the Dylan Byers post, from last week, called "The most transparent administration, cont.":